Make your first college friend before you even arrive on campus by meeting your new roommate.
Getting to know your future college roommate in advance will not only be a comfort when you arrive on campus, but also allow you to plan...
Camp Friendships - How lifelong bonds are forged in the Summer
Summer camp is a place where strong friendships are made. Ask a child about peers who went to camp last year or an adult about people who...
How to Cope with Graduation Anxiety-Post #2 of 2...Parent Anxiety
Even though it’s the student who is graduating, parents experience anxiety around graduation. Recognizing the feelings you have will help...
How to Cope with Graduation Anxiety-Post #1 of 2...Student Anxiety
High school graduation day is supposed to be one of the best days in your life. But the unsettling truth is it can be a time of great...
Why Teens Do Dumb Things – and How You Can Stop Them
Believe me when I say that I feel lucky. My kids are largely healthy, and although they have at times kept me up at nights, I know that...
14 year old Entrepreneur, Founder of 2 companies
Zachary Weisenthal Web designer and entrepreneur Zachary Weisenthal may only be 14, but he's already the driving force behind two...
Who are your Peers?
When you were a little kid, your parents usually chose your friends, putting you in play groups or arranging play dates with certain...
In this day and age of 13 Reasons Why...
Teen Stress and Anxiety Teenagers experience stress every day and can benefit from learning stress management skills. School demands and...